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A new standard hive

With so many beekeeping operations struggling, we need a primal change

Beekeeper working

“This hive created the best conditions for my colonies to maximize their potential. The honey production exceeded what I thought was possible.”

Beekeeper working

Expert Beekeeper

Ivan Pavdulov

A 3D render of the Primal Bee hive showcasing its components


Colony population


Cost reduction


Honey production


Pollination capability


Colony success

The current standards in beekeeping don’t make sense anymore

Your hard work should not go to waste

Primal Bee’s new standard approach relies on minimal hive interventions, resulting in fewer hours of work per hive while doubling your bee population.

The current standard
Working longer hours on each hive just to end up with less bees
Primal Bee® new standard
Cut maintenance costs by up to 70% and double the colony size

Stop paying for what nature offers for free

With Primal Bee’s boosting effect doubling your bee population, you can enjoy the reward of multiple splits per year. Expand your apiary organically instead of wasting resources on new nucs or using your splits to fill the gaps created by colony loss.

The current standard
Wasting your resources on new nucs every year
Primal Bee® new standard
Return to an organic growth of the apiary

Honey should be made from nectar

A robust colony leads to an unmatched surplus in honey production and a decrease in feeder usage, resulting in a significant increase in honey purity.

The current standard
Decrease in honey yield and purity
Primal Bee® new standard
Double your honey production
Increase honey purity

Your business plan should not include colony loss

Minimize colony loss and regain control of your business plan. Over the past seven years our field tests, conducted at more than 20 locations across the U.S. and the EU, have shown a reduction in colony loss to as low as 10%.

The current standard
High rates of colony loss have become the norm
Primal Bee® new standard
Minimize colony loss down to 10%

Hard to meet the demand for pollination

As Primal Bee hive goes into full effect, pollination capabilities increase and reinforce the growth rate.

The current standard
Pollination service providers can't keep up with the rising demand for their services
Primal Bee® new standard
Pollination capability more than doubled!

It’s not the Beekeeper who should fight Varroa

The larger the colony, the healthier and more resilient it is against Varroa mites. Additionally, the outstanding thermal efficiency of the Primal Bee hive enables better resistance to brood diseases.

The current standard
Beekeepers try to fight Varroa with a variety of frequent treatments
Primal Bee® new standard
Providing the colony with conditions to become resilient
to Varroa

Your beekeeping efforts deserve better results

Get Primal Bee

Field tested by beekeepers around the world 

Israeli Desert
Beekeeper working

"Of all the hives I've worked with, the Primal Bee hive created the best conditions for my colonies to maximize their potential. The honey production exceeded what I thought was possible."

Ivan Pavdulov

Expert Beekeeper, Israel Desert


“Since using the Primal Bee hive, my bees are thriving like never before! They're stronger and more resilient against Varroa mites compared to my old hives. The difference is very visible - fewer mites, healthier colonies, and a lot less worrying"

Ben Parker

Expert Beekeeper, North California

“Having my beehives high up in the mountains means overwintering is a huge challenge. When I switched to Primal Bee I went from using 25 kg of supplements per hive, to as little as 1 kg during the winter. As spring arrived their population grew twice as fast as the colonies in my standard hives.”

Papa Gianni

Expert Beekeeper, North Italy Alps

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Scientifically proven and patented

When Primal Bee’s expert beekeepers-engineers meet the unique biology of the honeybee colony

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Scientific Research

Under the leadership of Primal Bee® founders, mechanical engineer Gianmario Riganti and mechanical production expert Alex Gamberoni, both experienced beekeepers, our R&D team has dedicated its efforts to developing the most beneficial beehive for both bees and beekeepers.

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Unique Geometry

We applied thermodynamics to design a nest that aligns with the specific biological traits of the honeybee colony as a superorganism.

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Optimal Material

We use 100% recyclable EPS to create supreme insulation, preventing energy loss and thereby enhancing the colony's potential to prosper.

Precise Sealing

Two top covers are used to prevent heat loss or gain and provide for a safe way to transport hives without losing bees.

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Thermodynamic Efficiency

The hive acts as a booster for the bee colony. Harnessing a 500% increase in thermodynamic efficiency to transition from surviving to thriving, from loss to surplus.

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Compatible with all Frame Sizes for Supers

No need to change your existing honey extracting equipment - our supers are available in all common sizes and fit perfectly all frames.

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Compatible with Standard EU/US Pallet

The hive dimensions fit both common pallets and allow for mobility, making it suitable for nomadic beekeeping or relocation needs.

Ventilation and Heat Distribution

Enhancing the colony’s inherent ability to moderate temperature and humidity.

Modular Bee Entrance

Provides the beekeeper with a range of options: fully open, two levels of controlled entrance, and completely closed.

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